Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy Fur-Babies!

Traveling is such fun ... but like Dorothy taught us all ... there's no place like home.
We've been home a week ... it finally feels like normalcy is somewhat restored.  Flicka had the most difficulty during our absence.  Brother and Girlfriend DillyDally cared for the fur-babies ... so they received excellent care from people they know ... but in true catitude form, Flicka was unhappy and let them know it! ;-)
She stuck to me like glue the first three days we were back!  So sweet ... but I did trip over her multiple times ... fortunately neither of us were hurt!  Such a silly kitty!
She worked very hard at restoring our routine.  Here ... in the dark sewing room ... she perched herself with "Her Majesty" ... calling (mewing) me to come and sew with her!  Can it get any cuter?  Wish I had video taped it!
I couldn't refuse ... I turned on the lights ... brought out my Red Ridge Beauty!  Look at how happy she is rearranging the blocks!  Too fun!
We finished piecing the top ... more on that in another post!  It felt good to be back at the sewing machine ... thanks to Flicka we're both happy dillydalliers!
It has been raining non-stop ... normal for this time of year!
Whenever it calms down to a gentle mist or light sprinkle ... Kysa and I work in our walk.  Even at 12 years of age, she requires daily exercise.
On our walks ... she is always busy sniffing and exploring every plant and rock along the way.  Since we've returned, she often comes to me ... requesting ear rubs ... her way of letting me know that she is happy to have me home. ;-)
Fall has arrived here in dillydallydom ... when outside, I can smell it ... the leaves are starting to change ... and we have begun to crave everything pumpkin!  Love life with my dillydally fur-babies!

Do what you love ... with your fur-babies!  Do dillydally!
Mrs. DillyDally


  1. Welcome home. I feel like I am close to you, even though we are miles apart. Alaska is a huge state. Thanks for keeping us posted on whats going on in Dilly Dallydom. What fabric store would you recommend in Anchorage?

    1. Anchorage has 4 beautiful quilt shops ... I'll message you on Facebook or email you with details! You all have accomplished so much in assisting the village of Alankanuk...I am grateful for your service. Thanks you.
