Monday, June 24, 2013

How to Medicate ... DillyDally Style!

It is always hard to have vacations come to an end ... especially when it is paired with saying good-bye to this smile!  From her first smile to present day ... it fills me with joy!
Distraction is the best dillydally medication for me when I miss those I love.  While in San Francisco, the packages I'd mailed during our Seattle Adventure arrived here at home.  Yep ... sort of like a dillydally version of a "self-imposed party"!  Hey ... it IS the dillydally way!
I need to keep some treasures hidden ... 007 projects ... but I'll share a little of my treasure.  Here are several sewing themed fabrics ... a hint for the QBees!  Valerie is sworn to secrecy!
Christmas fabric that is intended to be an auction item for the guild's annual tea!  Am excited to try out the new pattern I bought to use!  Will keep you posted!
I was so excited when I found this fabric line, Blushing!  And was thrilled when I found a pattern to use it with!  I plan to make the table runner pictured here ... love a project that was planned on a whim!
As hard as it is to say good-bye to my daughter, it is nice to be home.  There is comfort in normalcy.
Yep ... things are mostly normal.  Flicka has resumed her supervisory responsibilities ... even though she hinders my ability to accomplish much ... ;-) ... it is a joy to have her company!  Love my fur ball!
The best medicine is to love with all one's heart ... and when you can't be with those you love ... I highly recommend a strong dose of  dillydally distraction!
Do what to love.  Be distracted.  Do dillydally!
Mrs. DillyDally

1 comment:

  1. This made me miss my daughter. You are right, saying good bye is always the hardest thing to do especially when you don't know when you will see them again. I'll be in San Fran in Sept. I cannot wait.
    It is a great idea to send yourself packages. I'll try that the next time I'm away from home.
