Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Celebrating June!

I am celebrating the arrival of June!  It has been three weeks since my knee replacement surgery and I finally feel like my dillydally life is beginning to return!  Yep ... there is a lot to celebrate!

Life truly has been upside down here in DillyDallydom!  On the advice of a close friend (who had the same surgery 6 months ago), we moved a twin bed down to the living room.  That way I wouldn't have to navigate stairs in the house.  Some of you may remember that we have 33 stairs outside our home.  Yikes!  Those 33 steps were my biggest worry ... but my physical therapists in Anchorage spent two days preparing me ... and I have done well!
I put my most colorful and cheerful quilt on the bed!  A dillydallier has to find fun where she can!
I used linens that have sentimental value ... Sister DD embroidered this pillowcase as a Junior Girl Scout.  Yep ... a dillydallier seeks out those things that bring comfort!
This medieval torture contraption is what Mr. DD and I un-affectionately refer to as the rack!  I have spent 2 hours, three times a day strapped into this contraption!  Ugh ... that adds up to 6 hours daily ... on my back, while it bends my new knee.  This and the pain medications have been the necessary evils of my survival and recovery.
This is what dillydallying looks like while on pain medication.  I was lucky to get my coffee to my mouth ... that is how short my attention span was.  It really messes with your brain ... but on the upside, I had the happiest dreams ever while sleeping!
During one dream, I had this great idea for a quilt design.  When I woke, I immediately got out graph paper, pencil and pen.  Even when I used the ruler, it came out looking like gobblety-goop!  But it was awesome in my dreams! ;-)  Fortunately, those strong pain killers are no longer necessary and my brain is beginning to clear!
The fur babies have been wonderful!  Flicka and I have shared hours of cuddles!
And Nissa has showered me with puppy kisses and loads of entertainment!
Mr. DD has been wonderful as well!  He has served as nurse, chauffeur, housekeeper and anything else that needs done.  Sister, Brother and Girlfriend DD have been great cheerleaders!
I am so grateful to those friends, both far and near, who have blessed me with gestures of kindness!  Your support and encouragement mean so much and makes the recovery process easier.  I so appreciate your thoughtfulness.
June is here ... summer is nearly here ... and my recovery is going well!  Yep ... let's celebrate!

Do what you love.  Do dillydally!
Mrs. DillyDally 


  1. So glad to hear you're recovering. The pain pills sure do mess with your mind. I herniated a disc and had to take a ride with the cute firemen/paramedics in the ambulance to the ER. At the ER I got pain pills that wiped me out. Surgery on the disc fixed it and I'm medication free. Now I can think again. I hope you don't have to use the torture device too much longer. I'm glad you had furry family to take care of you along with people family. It sure makes it easier.
    Speedy recovery!!

  2. I am so happy to hear that surgery was successful for you! And that you don't require any pain pills! I have new empathy for those in chronic pain that must use them for the rest of their lives. Thank you so much for your encouragement and for visiting my very humble blog! Do dillydally!

  3. Glad to see you are doing well.
    It sounds like you have a lot of love and help.
    After all, A Dillydallier needs to be pampered sometimes! :)
