Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Life in the Dillydally Bubble!

I confess ... I am in love with my accidental Easter centerpiece!  So much so that I took another picture of it on Easter day.

Easter 2012
Easter 2013
I tried to get Flicka to get in the basket again this Easter ... she would have none of it!  Look closely and you can see the red glitter ball in her mouth!  She loves to play fetch with them!  She has grown so much!  She is extremely intelligent and well-behaved for her age.
When I got home from work on Monday ... this is what I found on the table!  Oh-oh ... someone has been naughty!  I wonder who?

And this poor little peep was found on the floor!  Yep ... someone had been very naughty!
Sorry...pic won't stay rotated correctly!
Flicka knows and follows the house rules while home alone ... no cats on the dining table ... ever!  Something had to be done!
Defensive measures were taken this morning before I left for work!  I placed a protective bubble around the centerpiece to protect it.  Success!  It kept Mr. DillyDally and his naughty paws out of the centerpiece when he came home for lunch today!

Yep ... lovin' life in my dillydally bubble!

Do what you love.  Live in a bubble.  Do dillydally!
Mrs. DillyDally

1 comment:

  1. The bubble was a great idea! I will have to show this post to Zoe so she can see how much Flicka has grown in one year. This week is spring break for me and will be off to a quilt retreat tomorrow. Finally the weather is in the 50's. Yea!
