Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meet Nita Beshear!

I continue blogging for reasons that have little to do with why I started nearly 1 1/2 years ago.  One of the things that has happened is that I've met people from far and wide.  I often feel somewhat isolated from the world outside of my little corner of the planet, but through blogging I have met lovely people who share many of my same interests.  Blogging has really been a blessing.

Today, I want to introduce you to one of those blessings, Nita Beshear.  Nita contacted me a few months back and asked if I would be interested in participating in a blog event promoting her book, Devoted to Quilting.  I'm always amazed that anyone bothers to read my humble blog ... thrilled when someone leaves a comment ...  overwhelmed when someone sends me an email ... lets just say that I flew to the moon and back when Nita invited me to be a part of her event!

She quickly sent me a copy of her book, Devoted to Quilting ...
... upon its arrival I began reading it.  It can be used as a daily devotional, or it can be read like a novel.  It is filled with wit, wisdom, humor, suffering, and love.  Each entry begins with a biblical reference and ends with both a moment of gratitude and quilting tip!  

I have always felt that the greatest compliment we can receive is when someone opens their heart and allows you to see their soul.  It is such an honor and privilege to share that space with them ... that is how one is left after reading Nita's book.  Even though Nita and I couldn't live in more different circumstances, I feel like I know her heart, and have shared her experiences with her.  If you are a person of faith who loves to quilt, I recommend this book.  It has a permanent place on my night stand ... it is a lovely way to end each day.  

Nita ... thank you for finding me in the www ... thank you for including me in your life ... I hope every day blesses you with a bit of time to dillydally ... ;-) ... please continue to share with us!  Congratulations on the publication of your book!

1 comment:

  1. DillyDally, Thank you for opening your heart to me. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. If any of your readers have any comments or questions, I'll be checking back today to answer them. Nita
