Thursday, May 13, 2010

I am so blessed...

I love living in my little corner of this world for many reasons.  One is that I really enjoy teaching in a small community where school has a direct relationship with the families we serve.  Having lived here nearly 26 years and taught in the Jr/Sr High School for 22 of those years, I have a strong attachment to and affection for the students I teach.  I've watched many of them grow from infancy...and I've even had some of their parents as students! 

This week we are celebrating there have been academic awards, concerts, baccalaureate, etc. every evening this week.  Our whole community participates in the many traditions surrounding the graduates and their accomplishments.  In Cordova...the saying that "it takes a village to raise a child" mostly true. 

But with all the celebration...there is some sadness.  It is hard to say good-bye.  It tugs at our hearts to let them go.  Today was the last day of attendance for the seniors in my classroom...I am so excited about their futures...they are was hard.

After school of my seniors returned to my classroom with a gift she had made for me.  I was sooo touched... the thought, effort, and time it took her to make it...for me.   I was and continue to be overwhelmed by such thoughtfulness.  She and this wall quilt will always have a special place in my heart.
As teachers, we are mostly missionaries at heart.  We hope to touch the lives of our students positively.  But today...with her gesture of kindness...I was reminded that it is they who impact my life positively.  I am humbled by this realization and hope that I am deserving.  I am so blessed...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful gift! I know it will be cherished.

    It is hard to watch my friends' children graduate high school. Time goes by so quickly.

    Have a lovely summer!

    North Pole
