When I am excited and inspired by something ... I love to share it! Whatever it may be ... everything is more fun when it is a shared experience! After visiting Iceland in 2019, I was so inspired by the sweaters that represent their culture!
The best way to share my enthusiasm was to teach a Icelandic Inspired Sweater class! Before our lives were turned upside down, I had the opportunity to do just that!
Ten local knitters signed on to take this Icelandic knitting journey! We met at our local yarn store,
The Net Loft, in January to choose designs and yarn colors! In February ... our journey began!
Malani's Journey
Malani knit a sweater for her daughter who is in first grade.
Her daughter helped choose both the design and the colors.
And here her daughter is proudly wearing the sweater her mother knit specifically for her! Just adorable!
Angela's Journey
Angela chose "hot pink" for the body of her sweater!
I love a knitter who is fearless with color!
The results ... a gorgeous sweater ... for gorgeous Angela!
Angela also wanted a red sweater ... you guessed it! She knit two sweaters during our class! Amazing!
Sue's Journey
Sue knit a child sized sweater as well! This will be worn by her grandchildren!
She used neutral colors with a pop of gold and turquoise!
The results are stunning! Many of us want one in our adult size!
This sweet granddaughter has a younger sister and brother who will also wear this sweater once she out grows it!
Absolutely adorable! A special sweater made with love to keep her warm!
Melissa's Journey
Melissa chose a variegated teal color as the primary color for her sweater.
She worked diligently waiting for the color work to begin!
And look at the result ... a stunning yoke design!
And even more beautiful when worn in the wild!
She wore her sweater, just as the Icelanders do ... outdoors!
Immediately after our class ended, Melissa knit one for her husband! There is nothing sweeter than a couple wearing hand knits!
Amber's Journey
Amber knit a sweater for her son!
I love the bold use of gold contrasting with the blue on a natural background!
The yoke design used with her chosen colors really brought out the graphic design of the chart!
On a whim, she tried it on during our last class! It fit her as well! We all wonder ... who in her family has claim to this beautiful sweater? Love it!
Fe's Journey
Fe chose to use worsted weight yarn for her father's sweater.
We all loved the rich colors she used!
The perfect backdrop for an Icelandic inspired sweater ... snow!
I can easily imagine how handsome her father looks in his sweater ... and I look forward to running into him here in town while he is wearing it!
Lisa's Journey
Lisa's sweater could easily be mistaken as a sweater directly from Iceland!
Most Icelandic sheep are white, resulting in that many of the sweaters seen in Iceland are white. The green Lisa chose as the accent color really makes the chart design shine!
Absolutely beautiful results ...
... and even more beautiful in the outdoors!
Brooke's Journey
Brooke grew up in a fishing family, so it was no surprise that she chose this design using a wave motif.
The touch of lavender ... really dresses up the yoke design!
A gorgeous finish! Love how the yoke frames her beautiful face!
Lauren's Journey
Lauren chose the same design as Brooke ... and I love how each tweaked it and made the design their own!
Her first sweater and even with travels throughout the process, she finished it on time!
Look at that smile! She has every reason to be pleased with the beautiful results of her knitting!
And here she is ... wearing it in the wild ... exactly where an inspired Icelandic sweater should be!
Gabby's Journey
Gabby's oldest son is a huge Star Wars fan! That alone makes this child one of my favorites! So she carefully chose a design and colors that would convince him that it was a Star Wars inspired sweater!
I think she nailed it! Members of the Rebel Alliance needed this sweater while on the planet Hoth!
As a young mother of two, we all know that what you do for one, must be done for the other! Immediately after finishing the Star Wars sweater, she made this adorable duck sweater for her youngest! Just so you know ... these two boys are just as sweet as their sweaters! Gabby has begun her third Icelandic inspired sweater ... this one is for her!
A special thanks to The Net Loft for providing the space and resources for our journey! We used this book that provided a wide variety of traditional Icelandic designs. It was great that The Net Loft staff was willing to special order the yarn colors each participant chose! That kind of customer service really enables the knitters to create one of a kind sweaters!

I am so appreciative of each of the ten women who bravely followed me on this Icelandic inspired journey! Some were very experienced sweater knitters and others had never knit a sweater! It wasn't just the knitting ... they politely tolerated my nonstop chatter about all things Iceland! The last class was held on March 14th ... it was that evening that Mr and I began our quarantine staycation! Today marks the 99th day of social isolation ... ugh! I really appreciated that these women shared pics of their sweaters being worn and used as intended! But ... knitting is a tactile experience ... we touch and handle the yarn to create something that will be touched while worn. Once this staycation has ended ... I think we need a reunion ... an opportunity to see and touch one another's knitting!
Do what you love! Do dillydally!
Mrs. DillyDally